
A gimnázium logója

Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium

400 éve a diákokért

A Legacy of Excellence in Education: Bocskai István Secondary School On the façade of the nearly 150-year-old building that defines the main square of the city, the following inscription stands: "Erected for the sciences by the community of Hajdúböszörmény and the hajdú proprietors."

This single sentence conveys a profound message: a societal expectation for the preservation and transmission of culture and knowledge, the civic consciousness that created and sustains the school, and a sense of responsibility for securing the future.

The origins of Bocskai István Secondary School in Hajdúböszörmény trace back to the local "particula," a branch of the Reformed College, with records of its existence dating to 1621. For over a century, the school has been a pivotal institution for local intellectual development, granting secondary school-leaving certificates. While its role and character have evolved significantly over the years, generations attest to the school’s living traditions and its enduring commitment to fostering excellence and growth.

Renowned scientists, intellectuals, physicians, lawyers, engineers, and educators have graduated from these halls. János Sarkadi Nagy, the last director of the Reformed Gymnasium, referred to these generations of students as a "chain of nurtured generations." In continuing this legacy, our community embraces centuries-old traditions as contemporary values, striving to integrate heritage with forward-thinking innovation and value creation.

The school’s current educational structure reflects our commitment to meeting societal expectations and demands through diverse programs. The eight-year track, reinstated during the regime change, has focused on talent development from the outset. This form of education, now in its third decade, has consistently demonstrated success through numerous competition achievements, high numbers of language certifications, outstanding final exam results, and the continued academic accomplishments of its graduates. To further enhance the language education of students completing primary school, we introduced a preparatory English language program in 2004. Students in this program study English and German at an advanced level and develop digital literacy through extensive hours. By the end of their studies, students acquire practical language skills that support further education and future employment. In addition to the language preparatory classes, we welcome eighth-grade students to our technical and natural sciences programs, which emphasize mathematics and biology to cultivate interest in modern STEM fields. During their four, five, or eight years with us, we aim to equip students with a well-founded knowledge base and informed career choices, enabling them to begin higher education after graduation. To support this, we offer advanced-level preparation tailored to higher education goals in the final two years across all programs. Elective and specialized classes include subjects such as Media and Film Studies, Economics, and, starting in 2025, Defense Studies as part of the Honvéd Cadet Program.

Our annually organized Career Orientation Week connects graduating students with alumni and university lecturers, providing insight into further education opportunities. As a partner school of the University of Debrecen, we regularly host teacher trainees.

Our pedagogical excellence is further enriched by numerous school programs, grant-funded initiatives, and international collaborations. We maintain a successful student exchange program with our German sister school, foster relationships with Hungarian secondary schools abroad, and actively participate in various Erasmus programs. Student life is vibrant, enriched by extracurricular activities such as Robotics Club, Robotics Olympics, Bocskai Week, student balls, debating societies, drama clubs, talent development workshops, academic competition preparations, project work, and study trips. At the heart of this dynamic environment is a proactive and genuinely empowered student government.

High-quality education is supported by well-maintained facilities, an organized schoolyard, a fully equipped library, and numerous digital tools. Several foundations assist school activities, including two public-benefit organizations that accept 1% tax donations and contributions: the "Minden jó könyv egy-egy tanítója a nemzetnek” Foundation and the "Nyolcosztályos Bocskai István Gimnáziumért." Foundation.

Our teachers are open to innovation, integrating numerous educational reforms, methodological advancements, and changes in perspective into their daily work over the decades. We strive to be a sustaining force in Hajdúböszörmény, providing roots and wings to our students. We do so with the conviction that even in the 21st century, we uphold the words of Gábor Sillye, spoken over 150 years ago:

"We are convinced that a nation without knowledge will perish; therefore, we must ensure that the children of the hajdú people are educated in a well-organized school to become good patriots and useful, intelligent citizens."


Március 2025
H K Sz Cs P Szo V
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Következő eseményeink

2025. május 17. Szombat15:00 - 18:00Érettségi találkozó
2025. május 31. Szombat08:00 - 17:00RobotOlimpia 2025

Csengetési rend

1. óra 7:15 7:50
2. óra 8:00 8:45
3. óra 8:55 9:40
4. óra 10:00 10:45
5. óra 10:55 11:40
6. óra 11:50 12:35
7. óra 12:45 13:30
8. óra 13:40 14:20
9. óra 15:00 15:45
10. óra 15:50 16:35
11. óra 16:40 17:25


  4220 Hajdúböszörmény, Bocskai István tér 12.

  +36 52 229 368

  +36 52 561 165

  47.673730, 21.507221


OM: 031204


  Régi weblap

Hivatali kapcsolatok

A gimnázium logója
Hajdúböszörményi Tankerületi Központ
Hajdúböszörmény város címere
a Hajdúk fővárosa
Oktatási Hivatal
 Hajdúböszörményi Bocskai István Gimnázium, 2021